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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tang Weng Chuen Raymond

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle.)

3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color and favorite animal)
violent mountain lion

4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (your middle name and street you live on/or neighborhood if it's a number)
Weng Crawford

5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)
ondta(yeah sure whatever you say)

6. YOUR SUPERHERO/CRIMINAL NAME: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink)
pink ice honeydew sago

7. YOUR IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, 1st letter of your last name, 2nd letter of your mom's maiden name, 3rd letter of your dad's name, 1st letter of a sibling's first name, and last letter of your mom's first name)
Ayrhcak (wha?)

8. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (parents middle names)
ngek seng

9 . YOUR GOTH NAME: (black, and the name of one of your pets)
Black siyan (ex-pet)

10 . YOUR HOOD NAME: (first 3 of your first name and add -iqua)
Taniqua (noooo)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
today chiong chiong chiong
must score all As for ct1
need to practice more ,influence more,eat more and most important love more...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
sian arh no mood to blog le...
st1 coming soon very very soon...wahaha

Saturday, February 21, 2009
heart bleeding and crying
This few day i will adopt isolation so i can clear my mind........so do take note

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Daily ro??
Early morning go to school strolled to my classroom,finish any not completed work.
After that sway to canteen emo if i feel aishiteru but she dun hai...happy in the morning if she aishiteru back hehe.chat with sc ,sometimes maybe with darling.
then do morning duty ,actually just stand then persuade people to sit down have fun and do duty at the same time.Also do sec 1 lol.If got time then do gate duty.
then study study and more study.i want more homework to kill time i want a bigger bag !!then wed recess meet darling and chat.if not nomal sit with sc and eat and chat hehe.
then study study and more hehe.got homework fever le...I do work now very fast...lol then after school remedial or meet darling then do random stuff lol....
then walk her home then go home blah blah....
go home ,eat,shower,rest,study,blog and so on...
blah blah repeat every day...
Darling need to study from 7 to 9 hehe.
i got so many task hai....
i pray that night hike gp same with darling hehe..
manji-san sigh ...
today lol...
emo in the morning nv chat to anyone.
then settle assult case then sc case ....
then do my class something....buried our goals our time capsule
then study study and study.
recess emo first then darling come find me then we talk a bit then go back class le.
study study then got bio spa till 320 then go buy sandwich eat.
then at 4 go bio class end and 530.bio class was fun hehe.
eat so much chocolate until we talk about bgr haha
then end went ish play basketballl with darling,arrys,li cheng,shengfatt,wan,naqib,bro and com...
then at 6 we went home then do flag down lol.teach licheng alena shengfatt how to do flag down...
then we walk home then we laugh and laugh ,emo and emo
then after she went home i chiong for my bus than my bbt flew away so ps ...
then meet my bro then went home...
then now bored...
Aishiteru darling dear hehe
looking forward for 9march ...hehelol

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Today Boredom or busy??
Oh i really love my exciting life.Yesterday, today and tomorrow always different.
Today ,we commemorate total defence.Early in the slow and dark morning,woke up and prepared to go out.I waddle around..."Hurr-y-y up-p"i croaked with my hand covering my mouth as air come out. In a lightning moment ,i showered and came out.I slowly took all the time i need to wear my no4(arh no mood to write my essay)My watch read 728,oh i am going to be in deep soup...I went bersek and done everything i need in a spit second."A-aa-hhh"i sighed and off i went...
I reached my destimation in a short time but cover a long distance.
Then i saw lot of my own man in green all wearing badges.MOnkey see monkey do,i reached for my badges and pin them up.(i need to thank munira for helping me pin my markmans badge,Thank You1)I stroll to the war memorial,with my hand hiding in my pocket.
i gathered with the rest at the tent and ..."Raymond,come here"sir chuckled."can you be the 3 representive of ncc to represent ncc?"MAdam giggle "Sure!why not it's my honour"i squealed with my heart beating faster with every word mention.
We rehearsaled twice and were ready for the actual thing.The cermony was interesting,for the first time i attended it ,it was very new to me.the cermony started with the arrival of dr lee boon yang,all clear signal ,presentatoin of reefs and lastly a minute of silence.
"let have the presentation of reefs by our ncc represntive!"the emcee announced.I stood up with my hands feeling clammy,Heart popping out.I flit to my position.we hold the reef and off we went.i floated all the way with excitement flooding my minds.I present the reef and we bow 3 time to give out respect .we shuffle back to our seats...
After the cermony i went home ...went out to bugis blahblah dun want to write le so tired.
Manji-san out... zzz
Guys let us do a reflection of total defence.
What will i defend?how ?when?why?where?which?
I will defend singapore as it is my home the only place i feel comfortable.i ready to die for my home at any frontline defending what i call home.I will protect my family and priscilla,they are my loves one and i live because of them...I will protect them with what they had given me which is love.I will protect my beliefs ,my love and my future. LAstly i will care for my friends,when they are injured i will applied first aid to them .i will not leave them behind,i will stay with them.WIth love for a country,LOVe for my family,Love for my girlfrens and concern from my friends...manji-san

Saturday, February 14, 2009
heart fill with love despite that
SOrry pris but still feel happy with you hehe Ai she te ru!!Happy Valentines Day!! Ich Libre priscilla
manji-san loving ppl

Today happy or depress you guess?
today i was very excited then keep waking up pretty often to check time
so eager for it to hit 8 hehe then
a storm brew and hit my tiny and small house.
MY mother stormed into my room and roared,
"WHAT you did ! look at your bill"my mom roared as she flipped the bill around and around.
i was rooted to the ground and shivering in fear ,upon me now was impending doom.
i stared at my bill in astonishment ,there i saw a 3 digit number which scarred my mind.
The 3 digit was so outstanding there all i can see on the bill was the magic numbers..
i was so ......inside me i was thinking of wad to do and what happen? i was thrown into a whirlpool of chaos....inside was having an internal conflict....
i placed all that at the back of my head and prepared for my workshop...i was swaying around till the moment i was going off .IN my mind, came wad am i going to do?wad-d-d! For a moment i was in deep thoughts with my hand grabbing a fistful of my tousled hair .I walk with heavy steps and very reluctantly,the tiny house of mine disappeared....
i switch on my mp3 and listen to smoothing music...i was wondering wad to do as the calm music came slowly and leaving my mind.The music really aid me ,i was calm and i clean up and make my tousled hair neat again.
the answer have appeared and imprinted in my seas of thoughts.there i went to tampines.
Walk around in heavy steps as i started to feel rocks collating on my shoulders.time became slow and it freeze at a moment where i thought my heart stop beating .The decision of buying what gift come repeatedly in my buzzing head .Then i ...
i went and meet wei jie and daanish,swaying all the way my hands becoming clammy and sweat run down my neck. ''HUrryyy!''i roared in rage.And they gasp for a moment and hasten their pace.After that we went to buy my gifts and ... ...
then went for my meeting with pris ...horrible...from a world of ours came an comet which landed deeply in our world ...despite that,our world still revolve and seem normal.We had great fun ,we screamed,squealed ,stammer and many more .We burst into an long and high laughter.We play aracde games showed a lots of emotion...From shouting for joy ,hugging each other tighthly,shrieking .Then we had a slow bristle walk to bugis ...The path was narrow but short.hold pris tightly close to my heart and we reach in no time .We have a game at the BHG and ended in despair .JIN feng and mr zaldy kept calling me and i was rushing around and panicking...out of the blue my mom also call.
'Hurry up! Come home !'my mom roared and i immediately left a small gap from my phone form my ears to prevent my precious eardrums from bursting violently. "y-yes" i squealed then walk to the train station...(i dun want to elaborate)
i hold her tightly and sigh in despair...we lumber down the packed escalator and stand at a tiny and dark corner.i Jumped ,suddenly a strong felt vibratation throughtout my body,i knew that it was form my mom."Where are you now!come home this moment..." MOM roared with rage that spread throught my ear and to my heart,i felt a sharp ,momentarily pain on my chest.
I hold her hand for a moment and went in the tunapacked can like train ."good bye... darling...take care..."i stammer and went lightning fast off the tunapackedcan .i sway and hang my head low.Finally i reach my impending doom...
manji-san out...

Thursday, February 12, 2009
today quite fun hehe
i keep seeing the video over and over agn
and read his comments about Singapore here is it

I could pick where to spend my layovers; Singapore, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Vientiane. That decision is easy. I just want a comfortable place to sit and write, and for that, nothing beats Singapore.

Then I think; why even leave the terminal? Changi is one of the finest airports in the world. Swimming pool, free movie theater, orchid garden. I am for want of nothing.

I'm struck with a small epiphany. The distinction between Singapore and its airport is a minor one. The entire country feels like one very large departure lounge; spotlessly clean, no distinct smells, climate-controlled, no one is poor, lots of shopping, no real culture, pleasant enough for the moment, but not a place you want to stay very long.

video is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlfKdbWwruY from http://wherethehellismatt.typepad.com/blog/singapore/

hehe how nice of him ,but how many singaporeans think of this???tell me ur views hehe

manji-san eager to know

today morning came school brush up and went canteen then blah blah morning things again but today the thing i got a mission haha cannot tell one hehe .Survive school then go eat then got remedial lots of it haha then go library find my bro ,pris lol sian then go sc room do something hehe.then suddenly pris came down .me and li cheng chiong and keep everything haha...then walk with her blah blah .then go sc do stupid things blah blah.Then walk her home,haha something very funny happen hehe dun want to say lol,after sending her home went to 7 eleven but snapple and walk to bedok then go home le.

today reflections.feel very happy today hehe .no matter how i feel i just show my happy face haha despite my inner .....lol ,studying alone is fun ,today cme talk abt frenship then i got so sad sia hai....i regretted a lot of things but without them i am not who i am now.i thank you all my frens.i got to thank li cheng ,she help me a lot hehe and thanks for helping me with my valentines.THank YOu !! today i dun noe why got urge to do wad i learn hehe then i did 2 out of 3 but hai fail but still stay happy at least got try.i will push myself more and gogoggo make all the impossible possible make miracles happen hehe .sorry priscilla ...i managed to finish my homework before i meet priscilla haha yes i can i will i must.STAy Positive always dear raymond!! manji-san hehe stay happy too darling dear.oh yea btw thank you SHERMIN for acting blured THANK YOU!!!!

arh very fast valentines le hehe .sat going out.got workshop from 10 to 1 hehe at tampines library then go fetch her then blah blah still thinking ohgosh so little time left for me.BUTT i can do it hehe .tired of writing le

manji-san out muahaha love you priscilla hehe

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
ur months decide ur personalities?
tell me if true?












guys i read upon this and i think is useful
if your gal is sad or down u should do this
31 tips to make her feel better
  1. Tell her she is beautiful
  2. Hold her hand at any moment … even if its ust for a second.
  3. Hug her from behind
  4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
  5. Wrestle with her :)
  6. Don’t go hang out with you ex when she is not with you, you might not relize how badly it hurts her.
  7. If youre talking to another girl, when you’re done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her….let her know she’s yours and they aren’t.
  8. Write her notes or call her just to say “hi”
  9. Introduce her to your friends … as your girlfriend.
  10. Play with her hair.
  11. Pick her up (she loves it)
  12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn’t like it
  13. Make her laugh
  14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
  15. If she’s mad at you, kiss her.
  16. If you care about her, then TELL HER
  17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal (she’ll hug it every time she goes to sleep), jewelry (she’ll treasure it forever), and one of her t-shirts (she’ll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with her cologne!! and flowers or something occasionally.
  18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you’re alone.
  19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
  20. Hang out with her on weekends
  21. Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
  22. Kiss her just for the heck of it
  23. If your listening to music, let her listen too.
  24. Remember her birthday and get her something, even if its’n simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means all the world to HER.
  25. When she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don’t (it’ll make her happy.)
  26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don’t necessarily have to have hour long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
  27. Give her wat she wants
  28. Recognize the small things … they usually mean the most.
  29. Don’t hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she’ll feel left out.
  30. Hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang wit your girl friend all the time
  31. If u care about her…SHOW her
haha i will use wad i learnt hehe
manji-san happy and off

today waa up up and away
today very emo morning
forget this forget that
sorry miscoal i forgot the boots
hai then emo emo
morning no mmod to talk to her sorry
blah blah emo in lesson
miscoal ask me wad happen i also dun know
then sms lol then recess
go buy food then sit with li cheng
chatted for a while
then SUDDENLY priscilla tickled me form the back
haha i got the reflex then blah blah
enjoy recess then notice not that emo le
then survive through till the end
while walking to e math class saw arnold lol
we stare at each other lol blah blah la
then eat with my bio gang then go a math
after a math we play hehe
play basketball
then play volley ball lol with wrong ball haha
then play with sheng fatt li cheng priscilla arrys see cheng
haha then walk around then go sc room
blah blah then walk priscilla home
and walk to bedok and then went home le haha
manji-san out hehe

life's a canvas
RayMond (Lei MeN)Manji-san
16 Jan 1993 , his day . :D
Teach me how to laugh,have fun .
NICKNAME =ray/rayray Obama HaHa
E-MAIL =starsea_elemental@hotmail.com
HANDPHONE NO= 82222320
STATUS=very complicated
NOW Emotion=heart is bleeding and crying
CCA=NCC ,Sister Club haha now TRACk & FIELD, BAdminton , dance ,sports Game past
LIKE =like studying ,frens, candy, gundams and more...
LOVE = Obama Family,!Zhang Zi Nan,Wang Jia Xu ,Xue Rui Jun!,love to hang out,animals and nature
HATE =hate backstabbers and fren who doesnt treat me as one
NOW = 16 now at bedok view secondary School
PAST =primary school hong wen school
CODE NAME= kokroach,Manji-san
HOPE TO EXCEL IN=medical science(cardiac) , all sciences,chef,electronics, engineering and law
BEST FRENS(those i care about)=ZhengZhou ppl ,Zhang Zi Nan,Wang Jia Xu ,Xue Rui Jun,Chen Jiao ,Yu Xin Tong ,Yi Jing,Angela ,Cui Nan,LeRan,Bao Jie and many more!!
1N6,Priscilla,KaiSi,WenYing,AmandaChin,Shafinaz,Lela,Kangxi,and more
Primary/Secondary School,Clement,Sin Miao,Ma Charmaine,Wen YI, Liou Jing, Hua Fang, Jia Yan, Cheryl WOng , Jia Yi, Monique,Bing Lin,Wei Sin ,Jievanda and all my sis and bros
